Register Here!

Here is your gateway to order ahead at Ascend Cannabis Dispensary!
Fill out this simple form below to get started so you're ready for order ahead.

  • Name

  • Enter an easy to remember username for yourself. This will be your username to access your order ahead account.
  • Enter your legal first name as it appears on your Federal or State issued photo ID.
  • Enter your legal last name as it appears on your Federal or State issued photo ID.
  • Enter your birthday. Recreational users must be 21 years of age or older and Oregon Medical Patients must be 18 years of age or older.
  • Use this dropdown to let us know if you are a recreational customer or if you are an OMMP card holding medical customer. This will require verification in person of your OMMP card and valid federal or state issued photo ID. The website displays recreational prices including tax and will not reflect medical prices. Pricing will be at the register.
  • Contact Info

  • Enter your email address where you would like to receive communication from Ascend.
  • Re-enter your email address.
  • Required phone number format: (###) ###-####
    Enter your phone number that we can reach you at should we have a question or an update about your order.
  • Enter an 8 character password that is easy for you to remember but difficult to guess. We will never contact you asking for your password. Never send your password by email. Minimum length of 8 characters.
    The password must have a minimum strength of Medium
    Strength indicator
  • By checking this box you agree to the Terms and Conditions of You agree to follow all laws and regulations regulating recreational cannabis in the state of Oregon. You agree to our Privacy Policy which consents to storing your full name, e-mail address, phone number, and date of birth.